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Empowered Women, Empowered Wardrobe: Celebrating Women's History Month with Powerful Women and Powerful Styles

Empowered Women, Empowered Wardrobe: Celebrating Women's History Month with Powerful Women and Powerful Styles
Vice President Kamala Harris sworn in to officeThe concept of women's empowerment through fashion is gaining momentum in recent years. Fashion has the potential to not only boost a woman's self-confidence but also increase her power and ability to express herself. By equipping women with the tools and resources to dress in a way that promotes self-esteem, the fashion industry can play a pivotal role in promoting gender equality and empowering women. With the increasing adoption of this idea, we anticipate a transformation in the fashion world, with a greater emphasis on inclusivity, diversity, and body positivity.

In celebration of Women's History Month, we are excited to showcase the transformative power of fashion and honor the iconic women throughout history who have made their mark. Through inspiring looks and insightful discussion, we will explore how women can use clothing to express their power and confidence. Our goal with this blog post is to empower women to embrace their own unique style and celebrate the amazing women who have paved the way before them.

Join us in celebrating Women's History Month with powerful women and powerful styles.

The Power of Women’s Clothing

The Women of History

Women's clothing has a rich and varied history that has spanned thousands of years. Clothing has always been a powerful means for women to express their individuality and identity, as well as to assert themselves and gain power.

Cleopatra effigy Empowered Women Women's History Month women's fashion boutiques in Minneapolis
(Photo from Britannica)

Throughout history, women have been powerful and influential figures, making significant contributions to their societies. Cleopatra, for instance, was known for demonstrating bravery and strategic intellect. She was also known for her mesmerizing beauty and elegant jewelry.

Queen Elizabeth I of England
(Photo from Luminarium)

Queen Elizabeth I was a headstrong leader, a visionary, and benevolent. She was known for her extravagant outfits and elaborate hairstyles.

Photo of Frida Kahlo
(Photo from Art Net)

Frida Kahlo is a Mexican artist known for her unique style and bold creativity. Her fashion sense was just as unique as her art, incorporating traditional Mexican garments, bright hues, and bold accessories into her everyday outfits.

These women played an important role in history and were not only intelligent and articulate, but also possessed immense grace. It's easy to imagine that donning their attire only added to their already impressive confidence, allowing them to tackle the day's challenges and responsibilities with even more poise.

Fashion Statements from Today’s Trailblazing Women

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez wearing a white outfit with her signature red lip
(Photo from Fashionista)

AOC's fashion style has garnered considerable attention due to its bold and expressive nature. She uses her clothing and accessories to make a statement, reflecting her political beliefs and values. Her signature red lipstick, for example, has become a symbol of her power and strength. Furthermore, AOC frequently wears clothing from sustainable and ethical fashion brands, aligning her fashion choices with her values of social and environmental justice.

However, AOC's fashion choices are not merely for show. They empower both herself and other women. By embracing her unique sense of style and wearing clothing that makes her feel confident and comfortable, AOC inspires other women to do the same. She demonstrates that fashion can be a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment, and that women should feel free to embrace their own unique style without fear of judgment or criticism.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga wearing her meat dress at the 2010 VMA's
(Photo from People)

Lady Gaga is renowned for her exceptional and innovative fashion style. As a true trendsetter, she has had a significant impact on fashion trends worldwide. Her unique fashion sense often includes bold and daring choices, such as metallics, feathers, and intricate beadwork. (Who recalls her infamous meat dress from the 2010 VMA’s? She used this as a segway to champion LGBTQ+ rights in her speech days later.) Furthermore, she has been known to incorporate political statements into her fashion choices, making her style not only visually stunning but also thought-provoking. Lady Gaga has also been acknowledged for her contribution to the fashion industry by promoting emerging designers and supporting sustainable fashion practices.

Viola Davis

Viola Davis wearing Ankara dress
(Photo from Viola Davis' Instagram)

Viola Davis' fashion style is not just about looking good, it's also about making a statement. She boldly uses her fashion choices to express her culture, beliefs, and values, specifically on issues of social justice and equality. For instance, she frequently wears clothing from sustainable and ethical fashion brands, aligning her fashion choices with her values of social and environmental justice.

Viola's fashion style confidently reflects her versatility and ability to make a statement. She knows how to use bold colors and impeccable tailoring to express her personality and values.


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Black Icons to Celebrate: EGOT Winner and Fashion Legend Viola Davis

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai wearing red outfit
(Photo from Variety)

Malala Yousafzai is an incredible inspiration to many. Despite surviving a horrific attack by the Taliban, she has dedicated her life to promoting education for girls around the world. But Malala is more than just a courageous activist- she is also a fashion icon. Her fashion style is a reflection of her personality and values, featuring modest and comfortable clothing that allows her to move freely and focus on her work. Her outfits often include traditional Pakistani clothing, such as long tunics and loose pants, as well as scarves and head coverings that reflect her Muslim faith. Despite the simplicity of her clothing, Malala always looks elegant and put-together, with a keen eye for color and pattern that adds interest to her outfits. In short, Malala's fashion style is a testament to her strength, individuality, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

Yayoi Kusama

Yayoi Kusama
(Photo from Washington Post)

Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese artist renowned for her avant-garde and thought-provoking works of art. Her fashion sense is regarded as an extension of her art, featuring bright colors, bold patterns, and unexpected combinations. Kusama is often seen wearing her signature polka dots, which have become an iconic symbol of her art and style.

Kusama's fashion is a representation of her individuality and creativity, and has been a source of inspiration for many. Her bold and daring fashion choices have challenged traditional notions of femininity and beauty, paving the way for a more diverse and inclusive fashion industry.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris wearing a white pantsuit
(Photo from People)

Vice President Kamala Harris is a celebrated figure in American politics, known for her powerful speeches, policy positions, and fashion sense. Her bold and elegant fashion choices make her a role model for many young women. Harris is particularly fond of pantsuits, which she accessorizes with statement jewelry and colorful blouses. Her contemporary and sophisticated style is characterized by bold colors and clean lines. In addition to her fashion sense, Harris is also admired for her unwavering commitment to human rights and social justice issues, which have been the backbone of her political career. She has tirelessly fought for the rights of marginalized communities and inspired countless people around the world. Harris is a true inspiration, not only for her style but also for her commitment to making the world a better place.

”My mother would look at me and she’d say, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last.’ And that’s why breaking those barriers is worth it. As much as anything else, it is also to create that path for those who will come after us.”

Women Empowering Women

Highlighting Women-Owned Brands

In today's world, it is important to recognize and support women-owned businesses. Women-owned clothing brands are especially important as they not only empower women but also provide high-quality and unique clothing options. By highlighting these brands, we can not only support women entrepreneurs but also promote gender equality and diversity in the fashion industry. Additionally, by purchasing from women-owned clothing brands, we can invest in products that are not only fashionable but also have a positive social impact. Let's celebrate and uplift women-owned clothing brands that empower women, and make a conscious effort to support them in our daily lives. Here are some of the amazing women-owned brands we carry in-store and online:

Shop the entire collection of women-owned brands at Queen Anna House of Fashion

Furthermore, empowering women through fashion can have a positive impact on not only the fashion industry but also on society as a whole. Women who feel confident and empowered through their clothing choices are more likely to take on leadership roles and make positive contributions to their communities.

Ways to Support Women-Owned Businesses

  • Make sure to follow their social media accounts in order to stay up to date on news and exclusives.
  • Purchase their items for yourself or as gifts for others to show support.
  • Spread the word about these brands to family and friends, as they are worth the attention.
  • Attend their events when possible to show your interest and solidarity.
  • Also, follow social media accounts that highlight other women-owned businesses. It can open new doors to other brands that could interest you.

Celebrating Women’s History Month with Style

Shop this Phenomenal Woman shirt here

Here are some ideas that you can use to celebrate Women's History Month through fashion:

  • Wear clothing or accessories that feature bold, empowering messages for women. This can include T-shirts with feminist slogans, pins or buttons with women's rights messages, or bracelets with inspiring quotes from famous women.
  • Feature clothing or accessories from women-owned businesses. This is a great way to support female entrepreneurs and show your appreciation for their contributions to the fashion industry.
  • Consider looking for ways to give back to women in fashion. This could involve donating to organizations that support female designers or artists, or volunteering your time to help mentor young women who are interested in pursuing careers in fashion.

How to Empower Yourself Through Your Fashion Choices

Empowering fashion is all about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Incorporating this type of fashion into your everyday life can help you feel more self-assured and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.

One way is by carefully selecting outfits that reflect their personality and individual style. This can be achieved by choosing clothing that flatters their body type, fits well, and is comfortable to wear.

Another way to incorporate empowering fashion into your everyday life is to accessorize thoughtfully. A statement piece of jewelry or a bold scarf can elevate even the simplest outfit, while also expressing your unique sense of style. As we all know, that bag, those shoes, or that piece of jewelry can make all the difference.

Finally, it's important to remember that confidence comes from within. No matter what a woman wears, if she feels confident and comfortable in her own skin, it will show in her demeanor and attitude. So, while clothing can certainly help convey confidence, it's only one piece of the puzzle.

At Queen Anna House of Fashion, we stand behind all of the women-owned brands that we feature. We take pride in showcasing the collections of these talented and skilled individuals. By shopping with us, you are not only treating yourself to high-quality fashion, but also supporting the innovative work of these women during Women's History Month and beyond. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference and look your best. Shop these women-owned brands now and join us in celebrating and supporting these amazing women.

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